Erzhen Hu

Erzhen Hu

Ph.D student at University of Virginia

I am Erzhen Hu, a third-year Ph.D student in Computer Science at the University of Virginia, advised by Prof. Seongkook Heo. Before that, I obtained M.S. in Statistics from University of Virginia, and B.A. in Sociology from Shanghai University. During my PhD, I have had the fortunate opportunity to intern and work with amazing researchers at Microsoft Research and Google.

As we approach the everyday use of virtual world, my research explores how to enable more flexible and frictionless way of connecting with people in virtual and hybrid spaces. My research involves developing and evaluating new interactive systems for distributed and hybrid meetings, such as theory-driven methods to improve ad-hoc and focused conversations and enabling AI-mediated augmented communication.


Selected Publications

  • Program Committee Member: CHI 2023-2024 LBW
  • Reviewer for CHI 2023(*)-2024, UIST 2023, CSCW 2022, MobileHCI 2022(*), Auto UI 2022, NordiCHI 2022(*)
  • (*) Special Recognitions for Outstanding Reviews
  • Student Volunteer for ACM CSCW 2022, ACM UIST 2022, ACM IUI 2022, IEEE VR 2022, ACM ISS 2021

  • Design and source code from Link